American Opal Society

Important Information

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Membership Application, Address Change, Information Request, or Show Dealer Inquiry


You are invited to join the American Opal Society and participate in the fascinating world of opals. Members receive numerous benefits and gain unique insight into opals. Membership is annual and begins the month you join the Opal Society. The Dues Rates are for individuals (or for families at the same address) and are based on your country of residence. You can join the American Opal Society by filling out a membership application and paying via PayPal or check/money order. The application form is in PDF file format. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Option 1: PayPal

Option 2: Mail a Check or Money Order

The American Opal Society protects the privacy of any requestor. We will not use the information supplied for any purpose other than club functions. This only includes newsletter and Opal & Gem Show mailings. This information will never be sold or distributed in any way.

Membership Fees


To update your address or other American Opal Society membership information, please send an email with your request to


For general inquiries or questions about the American Opal Society membership, events or other activities, please email us at


Interested in being a Dealer at our Annual Opal, Gem & Jewelry Show? Visit the Opal, Gem & Jewelry Show page for more details or send your questions to